Saturday, August 25, 2012

Teacher's Survival Box

How can August be almost over? It doesn't seem possible that school starts in a couple of weeks...guess it's time to start organizing supplies, finding curriculum, and making treats for our Teachers and Educational Supervisors.

This year marks a new adventure for my family.  My oldest is going to be going to a traditional Charter School, and my youngest will continue to be home schooled.  I'm looking forward to both.  Gigi loves people, loves to be surrounded by noise and bodies.  Lili relishes quiet, and can be alone for hours happily.  I'm looking forward to watching G grow and gain Independence, and spending time alone with L.  Something we don't often get to do.

We don't know who Gigi's teacher will be yet, we find out in 3 days.  The suspense is killing her.  We do know that we will treasure this teacher, be thankful for her love of learning and teaching and will be grateful for the dedication she shows her students and their families. 

Through homeschooling we have found a lovely school that is for homeschooling families only.  It has so many resources available, and classes I don't really want to teach.  We know our Educational Supervisor there well, we adore her and can't wait to have our first meeting in September!

In thinking how much I appreciate these women, I wanted to do something little for them...I did lots of searches on pinterest and google before finding just the right thing and then I tweaked it a tiny bit.  (It was nearly perfect, so I just added things I thought teachers would want more.)

I started with a small tackle box, that I bought at Fred Meyer for about $3.00.
Then I gathered and bought little things to fill the box with that a teacher might need to get through a day of teaching, conferences, or a field trip. 

In total the boxes cost about $10-$15.00, I didn't really keep close track of my purchases and had many things already around the house.
Items included: breath mints, chap stick, Advil, nail clippers, hand sanitizer, rubber bands, band aids, cough drops, chocolate, white out, drink mixes, paper clips, folder clips, paper clips, erasers, a few hard candies, and file markers.
Then (and I am not crafty with clip art) I made some labels for the boxes, bought matching ribbon and made a tag which the girls signed for their teachers.
And finally tied it all up!

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